Wanda B&B

Three funiculars near Wanda

Choose Wanda and choose to be close to the three Vomero funiculars, as well as the subway.

- The Central Funicular connects the Vomero district to the historic center of the city.

- The Chiaia funicular connects Via Cimarosa in the Vomero district (interchange hub with Metro Line 1) with the Chiaia district (interchange with Metro Line 2).

- The Montesanto funicular connects the highest part of the Vomero district with Piazzetta Montesanto where it meets the interchange node with the Sepsa railways (Cumana and Circumflegrea) and the underground line 2

https://www.anm.it/index.php?option=com_content& task=view& id=73& Itemid=100

Wanda B&B

Via Luca Giordano, 106 - Napoli (NA) - Directions

+39 | +39 | +39 | WhatsApp

Identification code 15063049EXT1130